Good Eggs Dinner Kits: Take Back Dinner!

Having landed at midnight on Monday from Hawaii (more to come on our trip!), this beautiful package could not have arrived on a more perfect evening. I had taken a week off work and while the vacation was perfect, I was a crazy combo of exhausted and behind at work. The kids were conked out early, we had a glorious sunset beaming through our kitchen window, and the doorbell rang. Enter, Good Eggs Dinner Kit. Let me walk you through my experience:

  • Delivered in a box and a tote bag, I first unpacked all the greens. The fresh produce came in a tote bag - as if I just stopped by the farmers market! Wrapped in a bio bag & labeled with a sticker for the corresponding recipe.
  • As I opened the box, I was first met with a dinner playlist. No detail left unattended!
  • One of my favorite elements of the dinner kit is the theme: Take Back Dinner! A beautiful nod to this is the wooden "Buh-bye box" that is introduced on top of the refrigerated goods. It's fun to put together and reminded me of the wooden airplanes we bought as children. Now my hands were busy and the worries of the day behind me.
  • My next layer was recipes and fresh, refrigerated groceries, perfectly parsed out. As I pulled the recipes out from the envelope my mouth watered and I was so inspired by the gorgeous photography.

We decided on the spring pasta with english peas, pesto and pea shoots. It was truly as simple as it promised (20 min cook time: TOTAL) and I had zero mom guilt about not having made anything from scratch. This past week my husband and I talked a lot about the mom guilt that I attach to way too many areas of my life. Good Eggs read our minds. The need for a dinner hour full of fresh, nourishing, food and void of our ever-running to do lists. My husband and I had different worries and weights from the day, but we both left them in the buh-bye box and enjoyed our meal.

The meal kit made enough for us and both children! It was bright and cheery, with lemon and mint notes in the pesto. The pasta, sourced from The Pasta Shop, was perfectly satisfying. Garlic greens and peas, cooked together, created an fragrant dish. Accompanied by fresh greens and a balsamic dressing - this was just what we needed to center us as we settled back into life in the fast lane.

Some additional facts about the Dinner Kits: 

  • Customers who sign up for the dinner kit receive 3 meals, which can be ordered and delivered at the same time as their weekly groceries. (Subscription not required.)

  • Kit options change weekly.

  • Cost $69.99

  • 1 meal = 2+ servings

  • Each weekly menu comes with a Good Eggs Kitchen seasonal green salad mix & dressing that can be paired with any meal. (Pairings suggested on recipes)

  • This spring, there will be 2 omnivore meals and 1 vegetarian

  • Coming later this year: vegetarian and other options

Enter below to win one of THREE Good Eggs Dinner Kits. It's easy! Just follow Main Street Mamas & Good Eggs on Instagram and leave your email address. 

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